How to Read a Slot Machine Bead Plate (Luzhu) Chart: Master These Two Key Points to Truly Understand

The bead plate chart in slot machines, such as those offered by iSLOT, is a crucial tool for players. Mastering this chart can provide significant advantages. Here are two critical pieces of information that players should grasp:

1. Identifying Trends

  • The Importance of Trends: Recognizing a favorable trend can significantly increase your chances of winning. As the saying goes, "Following the trend leads to prosperity; going against it leads to demise." A good trend can greatly boost your return probability.
  • Analyzing Trends: To determine if there is a pattern, look at the chart closely. For example, observe if there is a consistent occurrence of jackpots after a certain number of spins.

Example Analysis:

  • Trend Observation: Look for patterns where each column’s number of spins until a win (爆奖转数) is close to or exceeds the average spins to win. After a win (highlighted in a red rectangle), the probability of hitting a jackpot within the next two spins is significantly high. If you can spot this pattern, the bead plate chart essentially indicates a high chance of winning.
  • Caution: On the other hand, if you see a long sequence without a major win, it might be less favorable to bet. For example, a player may notice that despite many spins, there hasn't been a significant win, indicating that the jackpot was recently hit.

2. Estimating Jackpot Pool Thickness

  • Understanding Pool Thickness: The key to hitting big jackpots lies in the pool thickness. Slot machines operate on the principle of accumulating bets before paying out significant winnings.
  • Calculating Pool Thickness: By analyzing the bead plate chart, you can estimate the current jackpot pool thickness.

Example Calculation:

  1. Analyzing Past Bets: Assume the previous player's bet was $0.88, with a 2x bet making it $1.76 per spin. Approximately, 70% of the cost for every 10 spins is used for the jackpot pool.
  2. Column Accumulation:
    • Column 1: Accumulated Multiplier = 60×70%−9+1=3460 \times 70\% - 9 + 1 = 3460×70%−9+1=34
    • Column 2: Accumulated Multiplier = 9×70%−9+1=−1.79 \times 70\% - 9 + 1 = -1.79×70%−9+1=−1.7
    • Column 3: Accumulated Multiplier = 77×70%−9+1=45.977 \times 70\% - 9 + 1 = 45.977×70%−9+1=45.9
    • Column 4: Accumulated Multiplier = 34×70%=23.834 \times 70\% = 23.834×70%=23.8
  3. Total Pool Thickness: (34−1.7+45.9+23.8)=101.7(34 - 1.7 + 45.9 + 23.8) = 101.7(34−1.7+45.9+23.8)=101.7

Based on this calculation, if a player takes over the machine at this point, they are in a highly favorable position due to the substantial pool thickness.


  • Identifying Trends: Recognizing patterns in the bead plate chart can significantly aid in increasing your chances of winning. Favorable trends can act as indicators for when to bet.
  • Estimating Pool Thickness: Understanding and calculating the jackpot pool thickness can help you determine the best time to play and maximize your potential winnings.

By mastering these two critical aspects—identifying trends and estimating jackpot pool thickness—players can significantly improve their gameplay strategy and increase their chances of winning on slot machines. Combining these insights with effective betting strategies can elevate your slot machine gaming experience.